红喉歌鸲 Sibirean rubythroat Luscinia calliope
老鸟雄的 老鸟雌的 老鸟 老鸟
Adult male Adult female Adult Adult
Age 年龄
老鸟  大覆羽 无褐色 顶端 褐色制服。 尾羽圆的。
第一年龄   布換羽的大覆羽有浅黄色 顶端。尾羽戋的。
Adult: Greater coverts uniform witout brownish tips. Tail broud and rounded.
First year: Unmoulted greater coverts with brownish tips. Tail pointed.
Sex: Adult male read trouth with blackish border. Adult female vary, sems often have red on throuth. Without blackish border.
First year male vary, but allways shows red on throuth. First year female without red on throuth. 
第一年龄雄的 第一年龄雌的 第一年龄 第一年龄
First year male First year female First year First year
老鸟雄的 老鸟雌的
Adult male Adult female
Age 年龄
老鸟: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
第二年龄: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Second year: 
Sex: Adult male read trouth with blackish border. Adult female vary, allways red on throuth. Without blackish border.
Second year male vary, but allways shows red on throuth and blackish border. Second year female without red on throuth. 
第二年龄雌的 第二年龄
Second year female Second year